NEW 12-Week Work Capacity Program > Learn More
NEW 12-Week Work Capacity Program > Learn More

Feel Better.
Perform Better.
Live Better.

Feel Better.
Perform Better.
Live Better.

Download the durable athelete app

What Our App Offers

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Content Features


Cast to your favorite devices using Chromecast, AirPlay, and Bluetooth. We are also Roku TV and Apple TV compatible. Feel free to play your Spotify or other compatible music streaming apps in the background while you train with us.


Keep on-track with your goals with our interactive monthly calendar. This feature allows you to schedule your workouts ahead of time helping you to stay accountable and track your progress.

Video Downloads

Subscribers of the Durable Athlete App can safely download our exclusive content. This allows you to watch wherever, whenever.


Our Program section is where we have our follow along programs designed with a specific goal in mind. Every program is structured to meet your lifestyle while accomplishing the intended end result.

Deepen Your Movement Practice.
Build Healthy Habits.
Strengthen Your Resiliency.

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Who We Are

We believe that EVERYBODY is an athlete. Whether you are a 9 to 5 or get paid to play, we all have to perform. To perform at your highest level, achieve optimal health and well-being, and maximize success starts with daily habits. We are committed to spreading the word about how simple changes week after week can help you get stronger, feel better, and live longer. We bring a holistic approach to movement, and we’re committed to helping you achieve your goals.

Our Four Pillars


Being able to optimize our breath is absolutely vital to our health and daily performances.Our breath has the ability to regulate (down or upregulate) the stress response within our body that controls hormone and biochemical secretion that ultimately drives our daily mood, energy, attention and sleep. By changing your breath, you have the ability to change your mental and physical well-being.


In a world filled with quick fixes and technology, our body’s innate ability to move is absolutely key when trying to optimze your health and performances. Other than all of the fantastic benefits of exercise, movement is our body’s mechanism to keep blood flowing throughout our system and allow for the recycling of dead cells and new cells to thrive.


Simply put, food is fuel. We rely on food to give us sustainable energy for our daily mental and physical activities. Especially for individuals who are looking to make body composition changes through a fitness related program, the quality and quantity of food you intake will dictate the success of your changes. Optimal nutrition can improve your health from the inside out.


When we talk about recovery, sleep is KING! Sleep is our body’s mechanism of riding of all the dead cells in our body and allowing the time for our brain, muscles, and joints to adapt to the daily stressors we place upon it. Without quality sleep, we cannot expect to show up as the best versions of ourselves everyday.When we sacrifice our sleep, we sacrifice our mood, energy, attention, strength, sex drive, hunger and much more!


Athletes, entrepreneurs, and everyday people like you have embodied our 4 pillars and achieved the durability they needed to succeed in life.

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